Birth is movement; it is the greatest dance between you, baby & the earth.


Birth is a ceremonial space, whether at home or in hospital. It is the greatest dance between you and your baby, guided by your wisdom and body's intelligence as expert. I believe in every woman's right to body sovereignty and support you in birthing your way.

As a holistic birth doula, my role is to support you to birth in the way that feels safe, sacred, culturally supported and right for you. Together we will explore the physiology of birth, build confidence and trust in the intelligence of your birthing body and discuss your birth options, rights and desires to create a birth vision that's guided from within.

My doula work incorporates somatic movement practices and meditations as birth preparation and postpartum connection tools. These practices are designed to strengthen your relationship with your intuition, to practice being guided by your body instead of your mind in movement and rest, as well as compassionately meet any fears you may hold around birth as you deepen your connection to your body and baby.

My doula practice is informed by my training with midwife Ibu Robin Lim (Bumi Sehat) and doula Debra Pascali Bonaro (Orgasmic Birth), and my time working with holistic autonomous midwife Dr Vijaya Krishnan at her birth centre The Sanctum in Hyderabad, India. I have also undertaken trainings in Transformative Birthwork, postpartum care and breastfeeding support. In my trainings and experience supporting women in India and Byron Bay, I have mostly witnessed physiological birth. I have complete trust in the physiological process of birth as normal, psychadelic, profound, and primordial.

My somatic work is embedded in over 20 years of dance, yoga & movement practices, studies of Somatic Attachment Focused Expressive Therapies, and my ongoing study in Body Mind Centering and Dance Movement Therapy.

Doula Support (in person & online)

Full spectrum doula support is available in person in the Northern Rivers, Bundjalung Country, as well as online for those outside of this area.

I’m honoured to support women and birthing people through life’s big transitions. I offer care for birth, postpartum, abortion, early birth or miscarriage. My care is always individualised to each person’s needs, is trauma informed, and comes with somatic tools and practices for healing and integration.

Packages include in depth sessions during pregnancy to prepare for your birth, presence at birth (for in person support) and sessions postpartum where we focus on integration, coming home to your body, and community care. There will be plenty of cups of tea, dancing, and time to build our relationship so you feel comfortable, at ease and wholeheartedly supported. I’m also available to you on phone, text and email and will be with you the whole way.


1:1 Birth, Postpartum & Somatic Care Sessions

These sessions are held as one-off sessions, or as a package of 3 or more to assist you during this transformative time, either in person or online.

Sessions are tailored to your needs and can include birth education, resources to assist in informed decision making, knowledge about your birth rights, care options, how to move through pain in labour, somatic practices for birth preparation and integration, postpartum planning, and building community as care.

For those in their postpartum journey, 1:1 sessions may be focused on integration, birth story debriefing, remembering and grounding into your changing body through somatic practices for healing.

These sessions can also be helpful for those who will be supporting a loved one during their pregnancy, birth and postpartum journeys. We can resource you with information, practical tools and ways to care for yourself and your birthing person.

make an enquiry

Please tell me a little about where you are currently on your journey, and the kind of support you are looking for.

I’ll be in contact soon to schedule a free 20 min call (or meeting in person) to see if we are the right fit x